Can I buy 3D Printing Models from YOYBUY?

Yes friend, we could help you buy and deliver these kinds of products for you. But please note the following points:

1) The seller’s link only shows the completely assembled product, but the product will be sent to us as unassembled components, therefore, it is hardly to identify the correctness of the products we get from the seller. We suggest you request photos when the goods are added to your account, it will be much helpful.

2) The product is fragile/breakable, due to the international logistics in the process of transportation for many times, more likely to cause the risk of breakage, damage and other risks, the international logistics parties usually do not support claims service, we recommend that you submit the package with a note to strengthen the packaging to reduce the risk of damage (this operation will add you 5USD additional service fee).If you insist on ordering, you will be responsible for the risk of damage to the product and Yoybuy will not be liable for any compensation.

3) You could contact us if the product you received is incorrect, we will help you to contact the seller to negotiate and try our utmost to resolve your issue. But if the seller cannot or does not want to solve this problem for you, Yoybuy will not provide any compensation or refund, and you need to bear all the risks on your own.

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