The fourth season of Attack on Titan is the most hotly discussed anime of all time. It is a juvenile manga created by Japanese manga artist Isayama Tron and began serialization in 2009.
The story starts out like this: 107 years ago (743), the natural enemy of mankind, the “Titan”, suddenly appeared in the world. Faced with a crisis of survival, the surviving humans fled to a place and built a triple huge wall. People in this isolated environment to enjoy more than a hundred years of peace, until Eren Jaeger (one of the main characters) ten years old, 60 meters tall “super giant” suddenly appeared, with overwhelming force to destroy the city gates, and then instantly disappeared, the ferocious giants rushed into the wall in groups to prey on humans.
Alan watched the people and his mother being devoured by the giants, with indescribable hatred and hatred of giants, vowed to kill all giants. Two years after the collapse of the wall, Alan joined the 104th Training Corps to learn the techniques of fighting giants. Three years in the training regiment, Alan in the same period of training soldiers have a strong mental strength incomparable to others. Even after seeing hell with his own eyes, Alan still bravely challenged the giants and joined the long-awaited investigation corps as he wished.
I believe that the audience who have seen the attack of the giant know that this comic is so popular not only because the story is exciting and novel, but also because the fight scenes are gorgeous and bloodthirsty, coupled with a great soundtrack, harvesting the love of a bunch of viewers around the world. Therefore, more and more people will want to cos the characters of this anime.
Here to show you the most popular three characters’cosplay !
1.Eren Jaeger
2.Mikasa Ackerman
3.Levi Ackerman
In the next session , I will introduce you to how to buy these nice and affordable cosplay costumes!