1.When you use the Forwarding service, Taobao will require you to fill in your Yoybuy delivery address after you have purchased an item from Taobao.
The Yoybuy delivery address is as follows.
Yoybuy delivery address

2.You will need to follow the picture prompts in order to fill in the address forYoybuy.
Yoybuy delivery address

省/province: 广东省
市/City: 深圳市
区/Region: 龙华区
街道/street: 大浪街道
详细地址/Address: 华宁路118号伟杰科技园1栋A区201
邮编/Post Code: 518109
收件人姓名/Recipient Name: ( YB****** ) 优贝
手机号码/Phone No.: (+86) 19925480673

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