Kindly reminder:
1) Virtual goods: we do not accept these kind of purchases, which includes gift cards, game tokens, etc. due to illegal practices.
2) Quality of goods: we will verify size, quantity, color, and pattern of the goods, but we are not responsible for quality.
3) Electronic products: we can only verify the appearance and model.
4) The current exchange rate will be adjusted regularly based on real-time exchange rates.
Now Yoybuy’s exchange rate is 1USD = 6.75CNY
5)Fragile articles: We do not recommend that you buy fragile products. If you insist on buying, all losses will be borne by yourself. (For example: porcelain, glass products, 3D printing toys, etc. Including but not limited to the above mentioned commodities)
6)We cannot help you purchase from abroad and do not recommend that you purchase from abroad because we do not have the ability of customs clearance
7) YOYBUY customers do not enjoy the discounted prices or coupons of Taobao, you will enjoy various preferential policies from YOYBUY
Centro de Ayuda
Agente de compras en China y un agente de carga
Service(Kindly reminder)
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