Fazer um pedido
Step 1: Log into YOYBUY and look for desired items.
Please enter the original web page URL of the item. Google translated URL will not be recognized.
Passo 2: adiciona itens desejados ao carrinho.
● If some information cannot be retrieved, please enter them manually.
● Please enter additional information about the item (color, size, etc) in “Extra Information.”
● If the picture does not show up, do not worry, it will not affect the purchase.
Etapa 3: paga os itens desejados.
Go to “my shopping cart”, select the items you want to pay for. Then, you will know the total amount of your items and account balance.
● Click “Delete” to cancel this order before you pay.
● Click “Select All” to select all the orders you want to pay for.
● Click “Delete the Selected” to cancel the order you have selected.
● Click “Add to my favorite” to add this order to your list of favorite items.
Step 4: Confirm shown information.
Clique em OK na janela pop-up para ir para a próxima etapa
Click Purchase order to complete
1. If you can not find your order in “My products”, please go to the “My products-pending” list to pay.
2. To continue, you need to wait until the items arrived in the warehouse, and the status displays “Arrived.”