When you choose to use DHL, FedEx, UPS or Aramex, please read the following information in detail to avoid secondary processing of your parcel after submission.

nome Size limit Weight limit Commodity transport requirements Does it count for volume weight Volumetric weight calculation
DHL One side ≤ 1.2m. If one side exceeds 1.2m, the parcel will incur an overlength charge, currently 700CNY. Single parcel weight not more than 70kg
(otherwise incur a surcharge of $670);total
Weight of a single ticket not greater than 300 (otherwise no pick up)”
General item only Sim L*W*H/5000
Fedex The length of the three sides together ≤ 3.3m and the longest side is not greater than 2.74m. Single parcel weight not exceeding 68kg General item only Sim L*W*H/5000
UPS Each parcel has a maximum length of 274 cm on one side.
Maximum size per parcel 400 cm=
(length + circumference [(2x width) + (2x height)])
Weight limit of 70 kg per parcel, no limit on total weight General item only Sim L*W*H/5000
Aramex Maximum size per parcel 400 cm nulo General item only Sim L*W*H/5000

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