As you know, we have an amazing service called “ship for me”. Numbers of people use it. However, some YOYBUY customers would like to change the Taobao address but couldn’t find the correct place to do the action. Now YOYBUY will direct you to the right place step by step.
- Open Taobao homepage taobao.com
2. Find the login button

3. There are two ways to login the account: enter username and password or scan the QR code(if you have Taobao APP).

4. Your Taobao account will be show up from the page and you need to click on the username.

5. You will see “My shipping address”from the top of the page.

6. Click on “My shipping address”and it will just to the editing page.

7. Fill in everything and then, Save.
8. Finally, your new address has been saved.
Remember, Taobao can save up to 20 addresses.