Notification of the comprehensive upgrade of Yoybuy logistics service system:
In order to provide our customers with more convenient, fast, stable and cost-effective logistics services, we have recently improved and optimized the logistics channels in key countries and regions, mainly involving : Russia, USA, Indonesia, Continental Europe, UK, Brazil, etc. For more information, please refer to the shipping calculator on our website – https://www.yoybuy. com/en/service/tools/costestimation.html , and welcome to contact us for professional services and suggestions.

Стоимость доставки составляет всего 4.76 доллара США/кг.
Уважаемые клиенты, Чтобы еще больше снизить стоимость доставки в Россию и помочьвам развивать свой бизнес, Yoybuy снизила стоимость доставки с 8 Июля. Также был добавлен
Notice of exchange rate adjustment
Dear Customers, As payments in China are made in RMB. To facilitate your purchase and shipping, Yoybuy has changed the display of all fees on