Cost Calculator
Prohibited Items
We can handle almost every thing, but we cannot deliver items that are prohibited or require special
handling, including:
1. Ambient and temperature-controlled (Flammable, explosive, dry, liquid, powdered, Paste, Magnet,
lighter,battery,controlled cutting tools, compressed gas and semi-manufactured)
2. Pharmaceutical products
3. Bulk products, including petrochemicals
4. Chemicals
5. Dangerous goods
6. Electronic components
7. Forest products
8. Metals
9. Engineering sub-assemblies
10. High value goods
To which cities in Russia can I send mail via Business Line?
Вот все доступные города, порядок списка городов упорядочен по алфавиту: А Абакан Адлер Алдан Алейск Алтайское Альметьевск Ангарск Анжеро-Судженск Апатиты Арзамас Арсеньев Артем Архангельск Астрахань
Logistics Adjustments(Russia & Latin America)
KCE & CDEK Russia Shipping Rate Reduction Notice In order to help reduce the losses of Russian customers due to the war between Russia and
The following major e-commerce platforms are leading the way in number of clients and transaction amount: